On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CX

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Autor: Texas Instruments Inc.

Fach:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator, Triangle

Triangel under kurva

Ma 3 - Algebra och mer om funktioner. Övningen kräver symbolhanterande hjälpmedel

Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Computer Algebra, Curriculum, Exercise, Functions, Triangle

Uppvärmning med en vattenkokare

Ma 2 - Algebra | Mät upp en mängd vatten, ca 0,5 liter, och häll vattnet i en vattenkokare

Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Curriculum, Data collection, Functions, Temperature

Inga vanliga medelvärden

Ma 1: Samband och förändring - Vanligtvis när vi pratar om medelvärden så menar vi det aritmetiska medelvärdet. I en del sammanhang så kan man dock inte räkna med det.

Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Averages, Geometry, Graphing, Graphs, Programming

TI-Nspire CX CAS Technologie

Concreet toegepast a.h.v. concrete voorbeelden uit de Algebra, Analyse en Statistiek

Autor: T³ Vlaanderen

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Calculus, Statistics

Programmation 2 sur TI-Nspire™ CX CAS

Tutoriel de programmation avec la calculatrice TI-Nspire™ CX CAS.
En savoir plus : https://education.ti.com/fr/products/...

Autor: Texas Instruments France

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: 2D shapes, Algebra, Tutorial, Analysis

07 - système d'equations avec la TI-Collège Plus Solaire

Tutoriel montrant l'utilisation de la calculatrice TI-Collège Plus Solaire sur les calculs statistiques à une variable d'une série pondérée avec la calculatrice TI collège Plus Solaire…

Autor: Texas Instruments France

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Equations

Loi binomiale inverse sur TI-Nspire™ CX CAS

Apprenez à utiliser la loi binomiale inverse pour vous accompagner dans la résolution d'exercices. Tutoriel avec TI-Nspire™ CX CAS.

Autor: Texas Instruments France

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Binomial formulas

L’éditeur de programme de la calculatrice

Découvrez les nouvelles instructions disponibles dans l'éditeur de programmes (copié/collé/insertion de lignes et de commentaires…) avec la mise a jour 5.3 de la TI-83 Premium CE.

Autor: Texas Instruments France

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Coding, Functions, Graphing, Sharing Inspiration 2019, STEM, T3, TI-Innovator, TI-Innovator Rover

Matrices - TI 83 Premium CE

Courte présentation des possibilités de calcul matriciel de la TI-83 Premium CE.

Autor: Texas Instruments France

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Matrices, Calculator methods

The Bungee Jumper: a simple mathematical model

Exploring the energy transfers as a bungee jumper falls by considering each of the three stores (kinetic, gravitational and elastic) as a function of x and then summing.

Verlag: T³ Europe

Autor: Ian Galloway

Fach:  STEM

Schlagwörter: Acceleration, Algebra, Dynamic Simulations, Functions, Mathematical thinking, Mechanics, Modeling, Physics, Sharing Inspiration 2019, Stochastics, Sustainability

Transversals in Triangles

Simple properties of medians, central verticals, angle bisectors and heights are shown.The idea is to show that it is not self-evident, that transversal lines in a triangle intersect in one…

Autor: Dieter Bergmann

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: 2D shapes, Algebra, Analysis, Analytic Geometry, Animations, Calculus, Chaos, Derivative, Didactics, Dynamic Simulations, Dynamic Systems, Equations, Function Plotter, Functions, Geometry, Graphing, Sharing Inspiration 2017, Solving equations, Triangle, Zeros

Earth-Moon Model

Constructing a scale model of the Earth and Moon in a classroom.

Verlag: T³ Europe

Autor: Nevil Hopley

Fach:  STEM

Schlagwörter: E-Learning, Algebra, Modeling

A Lunar Ellipse

Students consider the question "What is the shape of the curve forming the terminator of the crescent moon?" They then calculate the area of the crescent and graph its variation over one m…

Autor: Ian Galloway

Fach:  STEM

Schlagwörter: Coding, 3D Geometry, Randomness, Algebra, Angles, Area, T3, TI-Innovator, Ellipse, Frequency, Modeling, Physics, Sine, STEM

Les Tutos Maths

Le site accompagnateur des élèves avec la TI-83 Premium CE.

Autor: T³ France

Fach:  Mathematics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Algebra, multivariable calculus, Coding, Tutorial

The sheep-pen problem

Recognise a quadratic in a realistic context and solve an optimisation problem

Verlag: Texas Instruments UK

Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin

Autor: Allan Duncan

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Quadratic, Perimeter, Area, Algebra

Dissecting squares

A square is dissected to form three triangles and a quadrilateral. What fraction of the square is each part?

Verlag: Texas Instruments UK

Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Fractions, Scattergraphs, Algebra, Geometry

Connecting Algebra, Geometry and Graphs

Move from words to symbols, to geometric representations, to plotted points and finally to graphs.

Verlag: Texas Instruments UK

Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin

Autor: Allan Duncan

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Linear, Quadratic, 2D shapes, Letters and symbols, Geometry, Algebra

M3 - Das Grundgesetz der Mechanik (2. Newton`sches Axiom)

Das Grundgesetz der Mechanik beschreibt die Wirkung einer Kraft auf die Bewegung eines

Verlag: T³ Deutschland - Materialien

Autor: Mirco Tewes

Fach:  Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Algebra